
The intent of this site is to offer a reminder that the Holy Scripture is literally a "Roadmap" for how God intends for us to live our lives. He has given us free will which allows us to make our own choices. Every minute of every day we will make a decision. Some of these decisions, in the future, will bring us significant joy while at other times we will regret the choice we made. This site is simply a reminder for us to search the scriptures for the answer to our dilemma. The answer will not necessarily be blatantly obvious, but it will guide us to making a choice that will carry us through a gratifying, more fulfilling life. My dad wrote in his journal and explained to me a few years before his death that "...the road to tomorrows success and happiness must have spiritual cultivation today..."

We, at Creator Whispers will offer soft reminders and scripture verses that will help the reader to cultivate God's spirit within. It will remind parents to teach their children to do the right thing even if it's a painful decision at the time. It is a reminder that children are constantly faced with peer pressure, to fit in with the popular kids around them. What do we do...? Always keep in mind that this is the time to remind ourselves to follow that "Road Map."

God's Holy Spirit is constantly whispering to us, gently urging us to do or say the right thing.